Winter is always a hard time for those without proper arrangements to cope up with the cold. And to make this situation a bit better for the elderly people, Muvi Foundation has recently executed a donation campaign for an old-age home. There are a lot of old people in the old-age home who are living without proper facilities and Muvi has recently taken this initiative to make their life comfortable in this winter.
Meet this uncle from the Mayurbhanj, a tribal district of Odisha, that has recently started progressing. Even after facing many hurdles due to belonging to such a remote place, he ensured that his daughter could pursue an engineering degree and live a good life. Well, his dream was fulfilled, but unfortunately, his daughter forgot about her own parents after getting her good life. Uncle was left alone after the death of his wife and now he stays in this old-age home.

Sadly, this is not the only heart-wrenching story, but there are more than 20 such sad stories that we got to hear from the old-age home. While it’s really disturbing to see so many people left without care from their own families, there is always something that we can do to make their life better.
As soon as we came to know about this old-age home, we tried our best to help them as per their needs by arranging this campaign. Since it’s winter, it’s really difficult for them to take bath in the cold water. So we thought of providing geysers to them which will bring them a little comfort.
The caretaker of the old-age home also requested that we provide some plastic chairs so that they all can sit under the sun in the morning during the winter days. So we gave those too. On the 27th of November, Sunday, we planned to make a visit to the old-age home to facilitate them with geysers and chairs. In the end, their happy faces made our day.
“In The End, It’s Not About What You Have Or Even What You’ve Accomplished. It’s About Who You’ve Lifted Up, Who You’ve Made Better. It’s About What You’ve Given Back.“
And it’s true indeed.
We are more than privileged to help our society even if it’s a bit as per our capabilities.
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